Bulk payments is a new payment workflow that allows you to bulk draft, review, schedule, and send payments by importing a Rho CSV template into the Rho platform.
Payment types supported by the workflow:
- Checks
- Wires (Domestic accounts only)
- Single-use virtual Rho cards securely shared via email
Each line-item in the CSV will create one payment, there is no merging of multiple payment line items into one payment.
What are requirements for using bulk payments?
- Vendors must be added into the system prior to using the experience
- Admins, Account Owners and Bookkeepers can view bulk payments, meaning they can import a CSV and make edits to payment drafts. By default, Bookkeepers cannot execute payments from the “Bulk Payments” workflow.
What does it mean to send a Single-Use card payment?
- When “Single-Use Card” is selected as a payment method, the card will be created when the payment is created from bulk payments and the email sent with card details based on the “Created/Due” date indicated in the payment line item. The card will be nicknamed <Vendor> AP Card: <Invoice Number>
What will the card details look like to the vendor ?
You will see the payment creator, organization who sent, and Invoice Number as well as the card details needed to authorize payment
What do the statuses mean?
What are the things I need to review in the table?
Vendor Missing
- Vendor was not found in Rho -> if you see the vendor name in yellow, this means we were not able to match the vendor you indicated in the csv with a vendor in Rho.
- To resolve, click the dropdown to search to see if the vendor is in Rho and select.
- If not, head to Vendors > Add New Vendor to add Vendor into Rho.
Destination Error
- If you see a destination error, this means we do not have the payment information for this vendor for the method you have indicated in the CSV.
- To resolve, click on the method/source column to see which methods are available with this Vendor.
- If the option you wish to pay is not present, you must return to the vendor profile to add the desired method account details.