To create a new budget, navigate to Budgets tab > All in your Rho dashboard then click the + New Budget button in the right corner.
In the following screen, fill in your desired information regarding your new budget. These include:
Budget Name: Enter a unique name of the budget.
Budget Amount: Enter the amount of money in US Dollars budgeted for the account.
Budget Reset Cadence: Click the drop-down list to select the time period when the budget is reset. For example, if the Reset Cadence for your $10,000 Advertising budget is monthly, then on the first of the next month the Remaining Budget returns to $10,000, regardless of the current monthly expenditures.
Budget Color: Click the drop-down list to select the assigned color for the budget, used for identification in graphs. The assigned color should not already be used by other budgets for your organization.
When you are finished, click Continue to finish and save your changes.