
How do I request my business' EIN?

You'll need your EIN letter to join Rho.

If you don't have an EIN letter on hand, you can easily get one faxed or mailed by calling the IRS Business & Specialty Tax Line toll free at 1-800-829-4933 between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM local time. When you reach them, request a 147c letter. The request is free and typically processed the same-day.

If you do not have a fax number, you can request that the IRS fax it directly to Rho at +1 646-455-3240. Please alert your business banker that it's on its way so we can look out for it.

Rho is a fintech company, not a bank. Checking and card services provided by Webster Bank, N.A., member FDIC; savings account services provided by American Deposit Management Co. and its partner banks.